Thursday, December 28, 2017

To Ski is to be Alive and iSki

The media loves to sensationalize seasonal events to get us to stay working and shopping. However,  skiers are like the outliers of the normal curve of the population. When the temperature drops and the snow starts to fall and the winds begin to blow we become happy and alive. Its a Powder day.
I had the opportunity to return to our local mountains in Southern Ontario and ski in -20 degree weather with fresh packed snow and beautiful winter sun. I experienced the positive psychological effects that the beautiful white snow radiating from the suns reflection and the sensation of flying down a mountain gives the mind. It is a proven fact the winters cause SAD syndrome, Seasonally Affected Disorder, caused by being indoors too long. Skiers have learned the secret of survival in northern climates by being outdoors in the bright white snow. Some of the happiest people in the world are the Norwegians, and their culture is filled with outdoor activity which includes orienteering in the summer (running in the forests following maps) and skiing in the winter. Norway, home of  the Vikings is the country that invented skiing by attaching boots to skis and creating cross country skiing and ski jumping. American entrepreneurs created the plastic rigid boots, secured the heel to the ski with bindings and created downhill skiing as we know it.

With climate change we can expect greater variance in the temperatures and storms we will experience. The Barrie area of Southern Ontario, is in a sweet spot in that it gets the lake effect from both Lake Simcoe and Georgian Bay. It has been well received in combination with the artificial snow making that operations like  Mount St. Louis Moonstone has become.

One new invention that I have found useful is an app from the Google Play Store called iSki. It is a handy app that allows skiers to see all the conditions and temperatures of all the resorts in Canada. I try to be selective with my use of technology in the ski world, but this little device is a great tool.

I hope you cure any SAD feelings you may have and go out and enjoy the snow and cold.

The Adventure Guy

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