I watched Surwise a documentary movie about the Paskowitz surf family. It was my second time viewing this unique flick. I had to restudy the details of the film to digest the meaning of this surf lifestyle story. This is the site for it http://surfwisefilm.com/html/index.html
The movie is the ture story about Dr. Dorian Paskowitz a surfing medical doctor, who is obcessed with fitness and marries his third wife based on her ability to have great sex. He drops out of his medical practice, travels around the beaches of the US, allowing his children to surf all day while never allowing them to be educated. He believes that wisdom comes from experience not from academic institutions. His practice is to mimic animal patterns and while having sex nightly with his young wife, he pumps out 9 children and gives them all biblical names. Very much affected by the holocaust and his failed experiences to help the jewish people of that era.
The message from the film is that family is more important than material success, and that health is something you have to work for every day. His health regime was based on no sugar, no fat, no excesses. Surf everyday and earn your health. Wisdom comes from travelling and meeting people, noth through study at Stanford or other places of higher learning.
Well worth the watch.
Makes one want to look at going off grid and living life like a zen warrior.
Surf's up Dude
The Adventure Guy
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