Thursday, April 25, 2013

21 Man Backflip (1977) World Record Beaten 36 Years Later

Twenty One Freestyle Skiers created a world record for the most skiers to do a simultaneous back flip holding hands in 1977. The event was organized by a freestyle ski instructor now stunt man Jim Dunn . Many of his freestyle friends joined hands to create this momentous aerial atop Mt. St. Saveur Hill 70 at the peak of Freestyle Skiings beginnings north of Montreal, Quebec in the mid 70's.

rom left to right: Roch Demers, Eric Kalacis,Gille Charboneau, Hugh Leblanc, Michel Globensky, Marie Claud Asselin,Charlie Nagy, Chuck Peterfy, Allyn Gandall, Mark Brennan, Paul Embury,Todd Riley, Danny Blondin, Ray Navarra, Danny cooper, Daniel Perreault, Mike Nemesbury,#18 ?? Tom Hutchinson, Dan Dorion, Jim Dunn. 

                                                                The Landing

This April 2013,  a  group of Quebec Freestylists have succeeded in breaking the 1977 record by having 30 skiers simultaneously do a back flip on the same hill that the original 21 skiers performed it 36 years prior

Jim Dunn is interviewed explaining that many of the aerialists were pulled from the crowd and taught the manoeuver on the spot. The emails are flying about getting the old Freedoggers Group back for a rematch.

As a CSIA instructor, I noticed the original photo of the 21 Man Flip in this year's 75th annual CSIA Ski Pro magazine. That iconic back flip put Mt. St. Saveur and Freestyle Quebec on the Canadian map. No wonder so many top aerialists and bump skiers come from these bumpy slopes of Quebec.

Looking forward to the next stunt by the Freedoggers,

The Adventure Guy

1 comment:

  1. I was there that day and if you look closely, you will see that the skier far right was on one ski because he had a brace on the other foot.....Amazing to see....
