Monday, June 8, 2015

Harry Manx Live at Wintergreen Theater

I am a little tardy on writing up my experience listening to Harry Manx at the Elgin Theater. I have had some life changing events. Which leads me back to Harry's music. In one of his albums Road Ragas, the MC mentions that we live in a post 911 era and we all need a little comfort from the stress of terrorism on our society. Harry Manx's music allows one to return to a state of calm and serenity.

Harry sat alone onstage with a selection of unique stringed instruments, including a banjo, mohan veno Indian slide guitar and a cigar box guitar to name a few. He played them like an archer taking arrows from a quiver. In the middle of his set he was accompanied by Steve Mariner one of Canada's finest harmonica players. Steve is also the main musician behind Monkey Junk - a multiple Maple Blues award winning blues band from Ottawa. Steve played harp while Harry played and then did vocals on one song to the audience's delight.

The two of them played gracefully and the audience was left in a meditative state. Harry had driven from British Columbia to perform and he explained that he spent 20 years playing on the street. He was very happy to be in a warm theater with paying attendees. Steve Mariner had come up from Florida to play with Harry. I once heard a story where Steve's high school teacher told him he had no musical talent.

I recently spent time in hospital and asked for my ipod to help recover. It was Harry Manx that I turned to for healing music while in pain and discomfort. His mix of Mississippi Blues and Indian Ragas makes his music ideal for healing the body and soul.

Check his music out.

The Adventure Guy

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