Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cayo Coco Cuba 2013

We explored the beaches of Cayo Coco, Cuba this past New Years holiday. Located on the north side of the island and 6 hours east of Havana, this area is Cuba's third favourite destination after Havana and Vajadero. Cayo Coco is a tourist enclave of 4 and 5 star hotels located along beautiful beach settings, accessed by a long bridge from the mainland. However, tourists fly into a local airport on the island making it very easy to get to the hotel destination. A large lagoon area, Cayo Coco is also the home of the largest pink flamingo colony in the world, and its coral reef is the second longest in the world. I was disappointed with the colours of the reef, and it appears that the hurricanes have taken a toll on them. However, there are still lots of fish to swim with and they are colourful and safe.

The Cuban experience is a treat for the traveller that enjoys art and music, as their crafts are bountiful and their hand crafted cigars, the best in the world. According to a certified cigar maker that I met at the hotel, all the brands use the same tobacco leaf, and the differences in price are really due to marketing. I paid 2 Cuban dollars for a beautifully rolled one, where a Cohiba at the airport would cost 15 or 20 CUC. The only leaf that is different is the leaf that wraps the internal leafs which are smoked. There is debate that black market cigars use forged brand wrappings, and therefore to be safe, but more costly, buy at the government offices.

The music and dance of Cuba are world class, and in my opinion due the quality education system in this country. Many of the animation workers are university educated dancers and musicians, and their performance of Michael Jackson, magic and stilt dancing was outstanding. Cuban medical universities are some of the best in latin america. However, the government wages are so low for educated professionals, you may find professionals working in the travel industry to try to earn tips rather than live on the 35 Cuban dollars per month that the government supplies them plus all the rice and beans you can eat.

With all these great attributes, there is a weakness to the Cuba experience, and that is its food. I have travelled many places and thought I had a pretty tough stomach. However, I did get food poisoning from our hotel buffet, which laid me out flat for one day, and I have spent the  last 6 days running to the washroom to clear the balance out. I don't know how they could not learn the art of cooking as well as dance and music. The positive of this is that I did not see much obesity in Cuba, and the ladies are quite attractive.

The price of Cuban vacations are rising, but it is still a unique communist country with a friendly attitude to  democracies with high disposable incomes. The people are warm and charming, and a great place to explore. Just be careful what you eat.


The Adventure Guy

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