Friday, January 25, 2013

Cuba and the Secret Culture of Christopher Columbus

I have travelled to Cuba three times now to research the truth behind a great adventurer by the name of Christopher Columbus. As a memeber of the world's most ancient cultures, our ability to document history and pass it down the generations is world renowned. When I ventured through the streets of Old Havana, I stumbled upon one of the oldest synagogues in this country and perhaps Latin America. The Adath Israel of Cuba is located in Old Havana away from the bus drop offs for the regular tourist crowd.

While exploring the old architecture and community records I found a sheet telling the myths of Christopher Columbus and his first mate Jose de Torres. It is unequivocal knowledge that  Jose de Torres, Christopher's first mate was a practicing Jew and  the voyages' interpreter as he was literate and spoke many languages. He found the local indians smoking tobacco, and from this spotting later aquired land in Cuba for himself and initiated the now immense tobacco industry.

However the coincidence remains the date that the voyage left Spain in the year 1492, the same year that the Jews were expelled from Spain. Jews were not allowed to practice their religion or lest be killed, so many superficially converted under duress and claimed to be Christians, otherwise known as Murrano Jews. The King of Spain was believed bankrupt at this time, and it is discussed that Jewish bankers financed Christophers voyage, to find a place to escape the oppression of Spain. Columb, a Jewish Italian name supports the theory as it is well known that Christopher Columbus was from Italy. At that time the earth was believed to be flat. Who else would risk their lives, lest those fleeing from the deadly persecution of the Spanish Inquisition? And so the story is that Christopher Columbus, a Murrano Jew, was financed by  Jewish bankers to find an espape from the Inquisition in the year 1492, the  year the Jews had to leave Spain.

Apparently the ship was delayed departure to set sail on the day after the 9th of Av, an ill fated time in Jewish History. Theses tales are all from Cuba, a country where only a handful of senior Jews remain as the country nationalized independant businesses, and only the old and immobile remain.

Cuba, has great beaches, music, dance and art, but is also the cradle of the founding of the America's by a most famous but misunderstood, potentially Jewish sea navigator and adventurer.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!


The Adventure Guy

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